Psychology and Technological Innovation Laboratory (LABPSIIT)

Location within campus:Academic Tutoring Tower, 2nd Floor, Cubicle 22.
Phone:52(55) 56231333 (ext. 39838)
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Anabel de la Rosa Gómez
Full Professor A.
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Alicia Ivet Flores Elvira

Edith González Santiago

Liliana Moreyra Jiménez
Research lines per researcher:Evaluation of Emerging Psychological Interventions (Transdiagnostic, Contextual, etc.) Based on Evidence for Psychological Distress via Internet (Telepsychology). (Anabel de la Rosa, Alicia Flores, and Edith González).

Psychological Trauma, Resilience, and Post-Traumatic Growth: Study of Moderating and Mediating Variables (Emotional Regulation, Coping Strategies, Rumination, etc.) in Vulnerable Populations. (Anabel de la Rosa and Liliana Moreyra).

Evaluation of Open Educational Resources Online for Training, Guidance, and Educational Intervention at the Higher Education Level in Online Mode. (Anabel de la Rosa, Edith González, and Alicia Flores).

We are interested in the use of technologies (internet, mobile systems, etc.) as mediational tools for teaching, assessment, and psychological treatment. We have a set of developments and applications that have proven effective for training, guidance, evaluation, and intervention in psychology, specifically targeting higher-level students in the online system.

[artículo] De la Rosa, A., Meza, J. M. & Miranda, G. A. (2019). Validation of a rubric to evaluate open educational resources for learning. Behavioral Sciences, 9 (12), 126; EISSN 2076-328X.

[Desarrollo tecnológico] Registro en Indautor: 03-2019-031911470000-01. De la Rosa, A., Serrano, B. y Tovar, J.C. (2019). Izta-Mind App. Aplicación Móvil para entrenamiento en Mindfulness o atención plena dirigido a desarrollar competencias clínicas (empatía, compasión, escucha activa, etc.) en psicólogos en formación.

[libro] De la Rosa, A., Barrera, K., González, M. A. y Zamora, O. (2019). Enseñanza de la Psicología en sistemas presencial, abierto y a distancia. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala. UNAM. pp.29-40. ISBN 978-607-30-1967-5.

[artículo]De la Rosa, A., Rodríguez, M. A. y Rivera, J. (2018). Distrés psicológico, resiliencia y estrategias de afrontamiento en estudiantes universitarios del sistema a distancia. Revista JBHSI, Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issue, 10 (1), 27-36. ISSN: 2007-0780. Recuperado de:

[artículo] De la Rosa-Gómez, A., González-Pérez, M., Rueda-Trejo, J. y Rivera-Baños, J. (2017). La Práctica Supervisada Mediada por Tecnología como Escenario para la Enseñanza de Competencias Clínicas. Hamut´ay, 4 (1), 75-84. ISSN: 2313-7878 Recuperado de:

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Students in the final semesters or recent graduates of the Psychology program (online or on-campus) with an interest in the clinical and/or educational areas. Preferably, they should have a minimum GPA of 8.0, possess clinical skills with a cognitive-behavioral focus, and be technologically competent (proficient in using digital tools). Additionally, they should have a good grasp of the English language for reading comprehension. They should also be willing to collaborate in inclusive environments, demonstrate a proactive attitude, a commitment to autonomous learning, and the ability to work as part of a team.