Health Education and Lifestyles (Community Training and Nutritional Education)

Location within campus:Cubicles 9 and 22 of the UIICSE
Phone:5623 1333 ext.39774
Head of Laboratory:B.S. María del Refugio López Gamiño
Associate Professor C
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Alarcón Armendáriz Martha Elba

López Gamiño María del Refugio
Technicians affiliated to the laboratory:Candidate for Doctor: Xochitl Karina Torres Beltrán
Associate Academic Technician “B”
Research lines per researcher:

Evaluation of the psychological, social, and economic factors that influence food preferences, as well as their relevance in shaping dietary habits. Design of intervention strategies with different population groups (students, mothers, teachers).

Alarcón, A. M., López, G. R., Ramón, N. M., Alvarado, G.I y González, R. M. (2018). Prácticas maternas de alimentación e inclusión social de niños mexicanos con discapacidad. Aproximación con grupos focales. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 35(1).32-38.

Alarcón, A. M., García, H., J., Romero, S. P. y Cortés, M. A. (2008) Prácticas alimentarias: Relación con el consumo y estado nutricio infantil. Revista de Salud Pública y Nutrición, 8 (2), 1-13.

López, G. R., Alarcón, A. M., Cortés, M. A. y Torres, B, X. (2013). Educational Program to promote the correlation between preference and food selection: a replication study. Psychology, 4 (3A): 380-388 doi:10.4236/psych.2013.43A055

López, G. R., Alarcón, A. M. y Torres, B. X. (2012). Nutritional Status, food consumption at home and preference-selection in the school. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3: 281-285. doi:10.4236/fns.2012.33041

López G. R., Cortés Moreno, A., Alarcón, A. M., Torres, B. X., López G. E. (2000). Alimentarse es divertido: recorre el camino con Calabacín. México, FES Iztacala, UNAM-CONACYT. Cortés, M. A., López, G. R., Alarcón, A. M. y Torres, B. X. (2000). Alimentarse es divertido: Betabelín te dice como. México, FES Iztacala-UNAM-CONACYT.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Interest in the topic of nutrition, minimum GPA of 8 in the program, being a regular student. Interview with the responsible person for the research line. Other students can join from the 5th semester.