Health Education and Lifestyles (Chronic Diseases)

Location within campus:UIICSE Cubicle 6; A6 Building Cubicle 6
Phone:(55) 56231333 ext.39806
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Georgina Eugenia Bazán Riverón
Full Professor B.
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Dr. Maricela Osorio Guzmán
Full Professor C.

B.S. Carlos Prado Romero
Adjunct Professor “A”.
Research lines per researcher:Chronic Diseases (Quality of Life in Pediatric, Adult, and Elderly Patients)
Health Psychology and Public Health Preventive Strategies (PREVENIMSS).
Comprehensive Health in Youth.

Within the research group, three main lines of research are presented, analyzed from a “Cognitive-Behavioral” approach based on the biopsychosocial model. They are listed as follows:

  1. Chronic diseases: This line of research focuses on analyzing the understanding and evaluation of interactions between health and biopsychosocial factors that influence it. It involves the application of psychology as a scientific discipline and the recognition of the impact that diseases (such as hemophilia, childhood asthma, hypertension, diabetes) have on those who experience them and their families. Finally, it includes the development of assessment and intervention methods and techniques for patients and affected family members.
  2. Health psychology in preventive public health strategies (PREVENIMSS): This line has two general objectives: Improve the quality of life of patients in all age groups of the PREVENIMSS strategy. And Develop assessment, intervention, and follow-up strategies to optimize the results of the strategies.
  3. Comprehensive health in youth: This line is developed with the aim of assessing and intervening in various psychosocial issues that may put the health and integrity of young people and young adults at risk (such as dating violence, academic burnout).

This group also addresses lines of communitary work on Chronicle diseases, Conductual Medicine, Nutritional Education among others.

  1. Huitrón, V. B.E. Prado R, C, Osorio, G.M., & Bazán, R. G.E. (2019). Importancia de la evaluación del neurodesarrollo en pacientes pediátricos con hemofilia. Revista Digital Internacional de Psicología y Ciencia Social. 5(1), 59-68.
  2. Osorio, G. M., Prado, R. C. Bazán R.G.E. & Huitrón, B.E. (2019). Afrontamiento en profesionales de la salud Alternativas en Psicología, 43(2), 117-132.
  3. Osorio G.M., Prado R.C Parrello, S. Bazán, R. G.E. (2020). Características psicométricas y estructura factorial del School Burnout Inventory Student (SBI-U-9) en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos, Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación, 55(2), 141-150.Q3
  4. Bazán, R.G.E. Ramírez S. D.C., Osorio, G. M.O. Torres, V. L. E (2018).Análisis de la relación depresión y estilo de vida en adolescentes. Revista Electrónica de Psicología de la FES Iztacala. 21, 3, SEPTIEMBRE.
  5. Bazán, R. G., Osorio, G. M. Torres, V. L., Rodríguez M. J., y Ocampo, J.A. (2019). Validación de una escala sobre estilo de vida para adolescentes mexicanos. Revista Mexicana de Pediatría. 86, (3), 112-118. Factor de impacto Q3.
  6. Bazán, R. G. E. Osorio G. M. y Flores J. R. Rodríguez M. J. (2019). Adaptación de la estrategia “Pasos por la salud” de PREVENIMSS para la activación física de adultos y adultos mayores”. Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Aprobado En prensa. ISNN: 1886-8576. Factor de impacto Q2.
Entry profile of potential thesis students:Regular students in the 7th and 8th semesters of the Psychology program, PAEA students, as well as graduates. Minimum GPA 8. Reading comprehension in English.
Service Social Data:Advanced Health Practice in the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition. Code: 1637. Student participation takes place at an IMSS Family Medicine Unit (UMF) within the community of Los Reyes Iztacala, where they engage in evaluation and psychoeducation activities related to the prevention of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and others.