Environmental Conservation and Improvement Research Group (GiCyMA)

Location within campus:UIICSE, 2nd Floor, and Laboratory 16, 1st Floor. Comparative Environmental Education in the “Environmental Education” Cubicle on the 2nd floor of the Government Building, Psychology Department hallway.
Phone:56231333 ext. 1398141, 1397141, 2397202, 3397503, 4397244, 51311985
Head of Laboratory:GiCyMA, Coordinator:

Dra. Patricia Bonilla Lemus
Full Professor “C”
Group Laboratories:
1 Environmental Microbiology, Head: M. Sc. Elizabeth Ramírez Flores. Full Professor “C”
2 Water Quality, Head: QBF Esperanza del S. Robles Valderrama. Full Professor “B”
3 Contaminant Removal Processes in Water, Head: Dr. Francisco J. Torner Morales. Full Professor “A”
4 Environmental Microecology, Head: Dr. Pedro Ramírez García. Full Professor “C”
5 Applied Environmental Education, Head: M. Sc. Conrado Ruíz Hernández. Full Professor “B”
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:1 María Maricela Carrasco Yépez, cayem07@yahoo.com.mx.
1 Elizabeth Ramírez Flores, erf@unam.mx.
1 Ricardo Ortíz Ortega, ricort@unam.mx.
1 Arturo Montes de Oca, neocontis@hotmail.com.
1 Patricia Bonilla Lemus, blemus@unam.mx.

Esperanza del S. Robles Valderrama, erobles@unam.mx.

Francisco J. Torner Morales, torner@comunidad.unam.mx.

Pedro Ramírez García, micro@unam.mx.
Diego de Jesús Chaparo Herrera, diegochaparroherrera@gmail.com.

Conrado Ruiz Hernández, educa.ambiente.cyma18@gmail.com
Technicians affiliated to the laboratory:María de Guadalupe Sáinz Morales, biologa_agua1@yahoo.com.
Blanca N. Martínez Rodríguez, bnmartinez@unam.mx.
Reynaldo Ayala Patiño rey.rapo@gmail.com.

María Dolores Hurtado Bocanegra, hurtado.dolores@yahoo.com.mx.

Alma Delia Lupercio Lozano, lupercioalma09@gmail.com.

Thalía Ameyatzin Bernal González, thalia.ame.bernal@gmail.com
Research lines per researcher:Maricela Carrasco Yepez: Identification of Free-Living Amoebas (FLA) by Molecular Biology and Evaluation of Immunological Responses to FLA with Pathogenic Potential (Proteomics and Immunology).

Elizabeth Ramírez Flores: Study of the Ecology of Free-Living Amoebas (FLA) and Pathogenic Present in the Environment and Their Impact on Health.

Ricardo Ortíz Ortega: Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Free-Living Amoebas (FLA) and Their Impact on Human Health.

Patricia Bonilla Lemus: Ecological and Biomedical Study of Water-Associated Free-Living Amoebas (FLA)
Arturo Contis Montes de Oca: Identification of Free-Living Amoebas (FLA) Using Immunological and Molecular Biology Techniques.
Esperanza del S. Robles Valderrama: Determination of Water Quality Parameters.
Francisco J. Torner Morales: Study of Contaminant Removal Processes in Water.
Pedro Ramírez García: Environmental Microecology (Bacteria and Cyanobacteria).
Diego Chaparro Herrera: Conservation of Aquatic Species, Feeding Ecology, and Bacteriology.
Conrado Ruiz Hernández: Research in Applied Environmental Education in school, institutional, and community settings. Development of learning strategies for the proper use and management of Urban Solid Waste (USW).

Ecological, physiological, and biomedical studies are conducted on pathogenic and non-pathogenic amoebas associated with water in AVL. They are identified based on morphological, physiological, immunological, and molecular biology criteria. AVL proteins that could be used in the production of vaccines against AVL are identified.

Research is conducted on different types of water. Collaboration with other lines of research is carried out for a comprehensive project. Bacteriological and physicochemical parameter determinations are performed according to Mexican Official Standards. Quality control of drinking fountains, cisterns, and some water dispensers at FESI is also conducted.

Research on the efficiency and improvement of biological and physicochemical processes for contaminant removal in water.

Research on water quality in relation to one or more animal and human species and the health of ecosystems.

Research on the generation, management, and disposal of MSW in educational and/or community institutions in Mexico City and its metropolitan area with a multidisciplinary approach. Development of didactic and learning strategies to promote differentiated management for recycling purposes, considering the bio-psychosocial, technological, and educational context.

Carrasco-Yepez, M.M., Contis-Montes de Oca, A., Campos-Rodriguez R., Falcon-Acosta D., Pacheco-Yepez .J, Rodriguez-Mera I.B., Bonilla-Lemus P., Rosales-Cruz E., Lopez-Reyes .I, & Rojas-Hernandez S. (2019). Mouse neutrophils release extracellular traps in response to Naegleria fowleri. Parasite Immunol. 2019 Feb;41(2):e12610. doi: 10.1111/pim.12610. Epub 2019 Jan.

Robles, E, Ramírez, E., Sáinz, M.G., Martínez, B., Ayala, R., González, M.E.Hernández, P., and Olmos, M. (2019). Microbiological and Physico-chemical Study of Swimming Pool Water. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 4(4), 15-20.

Patente: “Proceso y Sistema para la Cuantificación de Huevos de Helmintos en Muestras”. número de expediente MX/a/2013/010641, folio 12130. Co-Autor: Francisco J. Torner Morales et al. Autor principal: Blanca Jiménez Cisneros.

Chávez, A., Torner, F.J., Sánchez, D., Jiménez, B., (2017) Organic Micropollutant Removal by a Nanofiltration Pilot Plant used to Treat Spring Water from a Wastewater-Irrigated Valley, International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 4, 64-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.15379/2410-1869.2017.04.02.04 .

Nandini, S., Ramírez‐García, P., Sarma, S. S. S., & Gutierrez‐Ochoa, R. A. (2019). Planktonic indicators of water quality: A case study in the Amacuzac River Basin (State of Morelos, Mexico). River Research and applications, 35(3), 268-279.

Chaparro-Herrera, D. J., Nandini, S., & Sarma, S. S. S. (2020). Turbidity effects on feeding by larvae of the endemic Ambystoma mexicanum and the introduced Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Xochimilco,Mexico. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 20(1), 91-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecohyd.2019.07.002.

Ruiz-Hernández, C.; Lupercio Lozano A. D. y Bernal González, T. A. (2018). Evaluación diagnóstica para el análisis de programas de manejo integral de residuos sólidos urbanos en dos universidades mexicanas. CIENCIA ergo-sum, 25 (3). https://doi.org/10.30878/ces.v25n3a12.

Bonilla-Lemus, P., Rojas-Hernández S., Ramírez-Flores, E., Castillo-Ramírez, D.A., Cruz Monsalvo-Reyes A., Ramírez-Flores, M., Barrón-Graciano, K., Reyes-Batll,e M., Lorenzo-Morale,s J. and Carrasco-Yépe,z M.M. Isolation and Identification of Naegleria Species in Irrigation Channels for Recreational Use in Mexicali Valley, Mexico. Pathogens 2020, 9, 820; doi:10.3390/pathogens9100820

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Undergraduate or postgraduate students interested in any of the areas related to the five laboratories of GiCyMA are encouraged to contact the respective research group leaders.
Service Social Data:Undergraduate or postgraduate students interested in any of the areas related to the five laboratories of GiCyMA are encouraged to contact the respective research group leaders.