
Laboratory 13 UBIMED and National Laboratory in Health: Molecular Diagnosis and Environmental Impact on Chronic Degenerative Diseases.


Phone: 5623 1333 Ext. 39788


Research Lines

  1. Integrative Genomics, Susceptibility, and Molecular Biology of Cancer.
  2. Hereditary Breast Cancer Genetics.
  3. Advanced Non-Invasive Detection and Molecular Characterization of Solid and Liquid Neoplasms.
  4. Microbial Genomics of Infectious Diseases.


  1. Identify molecular prognostic, predictive, and monitoring biomarkers. Identification of early detection markers.
  2. Describe genetic alterations in patients with hereditary breast cancer.
  3. Characterize molecular programs and signatures of epithelial neoplasms and define their clinical impact. Develop and validate new (non-invasive) molecular methods for biomarker analysis.
  4. Define molecular and genomic markers of clinical value in infectious diseases.


High-throughput parallel sequencing, microarray methodologies, molecular and cellular biology techniques, bioinformatics analysis methods, and statistical methods for genetic epidemiology.

Work Groups

  1. LACAM Consortium: Latin American Hereditary Breast Cancer Study. Participants: 16 academic and healthcare institutions in Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, and Peru.
  2. PRECAMA Study Group: Breast Cancer in Premenopausal Women. Participants: 15 institutions from Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, the United States, and France.
  3. Academic Group for the Study of Colon Cancer at the Biomedicine Unit, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM.

Links of Interest: