
UIICSE Cubicle 14.


Phone: 5556231333 ext. 39725


A native of Mexico City, this individual holds a Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences from UNAM, with a background in Psychology and a Master’s in Neuroscience. They conducted a postdoctoral stay at the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, focusing on neurocognitive mechanisms involved in language acquisition, particularly syntax. They published the initial studies in preschool children using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs), data obtained from electroencephalogram recordings.

Returning to Mexico, they became a professor and researcher at the Neurometry Laboratory, Neuroscience Project of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. For over 25 years, their work has aimed to unravel the cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of learning disorders, specifically reading disorders. They have employed ERP analysis to investigate the timing of processes underlying these disorders.

They initiated a research line on aging and cognitive reserve, resulting in the publication of several articles. Additionally, they have recently delved into research on the neurobiological and cognitive correlates of obesity. Their studies involve techniques such as brain morphometry and immunohistochemistry on the brains of individuals with obesity and overweight.

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