Scientific education in nursing students.

Location within campus:Cubicle 12, First Floor, Language Building.
Head of Laboratory:Javier Alonso Trujillo
Doctor in Education.
Full Professor “C”
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Dr. Abraham Alonso Ricardez

Dr. Leticia Cuevas Guajardo

Dr. Myrna Miriam Valero Mota
Research lines per researcher:Scientific education in nursing students.

Since the start of the Nursing Bachelor’s program in 2006, there has been a serious difficulty in learning Statistics in the Research Methodology Module for Nursing. Various factors are associated with this issue. What is referred to as a “laboratory” is, in reality, a cubicle that includes a professor, an associate professor, and three nursing interns. The objective of the laboratory is to investigate the teaching and learning process of Applied Statistics in the scientific training of students. Our research focus on the teaching and learning process has allowed us to explore topics such as the meaning of the concept of scientific training, the association between Statistics and Epidemiology, teaching techniques to improve the teaching of Statistics, attitudes toward scientific research, academic achievement during the learning of Statistics, the use of the ritual of statistical significance, the use of predictive models in Statistics teaching, diagnosis of research competencies, methodological quality of student work, and intensive use of statistical software in teaching. This laboratory has facilitated the thesis-based graduation of approximately 40 nursing students in a period of 14 years, along with the publication of two books, more than 40 scientific articles, and participation in specialized congresses.

Alonso-Trujillo, J., Rosete-Villegas, C., & Alonso-Ricardez, A. (2018). Principales factores que influyen en el bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes de enfermería. Revista CuidArte, 7(13). doi:

Alonso-Trujillo, J., Alonso-Ricardez, A., Ordoñez-Monroy, AL. y Cruz-Martínez, LD. (2018). Methodological quality on academic research reports from nursing students. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 3 (5), 3-6.

Alonso-Trujillo, J., Alonso-Ricardez, A., Iruz-Manzano, JA. y Arvizu-Vieyra, NM.(2019). Intensive use of statistical software as educational strateegy to improve data analysis. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 4 (6),1-4.

Alonso-Trujillo, J., Cuevas Guajardo, L., y Alonso-Ricardez, A. (2020). Diagnóstico sobre competencias en investigación de estudiantes de Enfermería. Revista CuidArte, 9(17), 6-18. doi:

Morales-Escobar, MA., Flores-Herrera, DI., Alonso-Ricardez, A. y Alonso-Trujillo, J. (2020). Effect of garlic (allium sativum) as hypotensive agent in two age groups of hypertensive adults. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 5 (1), 3-7.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:The ideal profile for accepting thesis students in this laboratory includes:
Affinity for Statistics, scientific research, educational research, and teaching.
Background in Nursing, Biology, Optometry, MADEMS (Master’s in Data Science and Strategic Marketing), or Occupational Health Nursing Specialization.
Commitment, responsibility, and availability for part-time work from Monday to Friday.
Basic proficiency in Excel and SPSS.
Reading comprehension in English.
Service Social Data:Program “Development of Scientific Training in Nursing Students”
SIASS Key 2019–12/63-1041. Activities include:
Training in quantitative methods and data analysis.
Designing and implementing a research project.
Submitting a final research report.
Presenting research results at three conferences.
Assisting in teaching the Quantitative Methods module.
Collaborating in the research area.