Laboratory 114, First Level, UIICSE.
Phone: 5556231333 ext 39740
Email: olga.rivas@iztacala.unam.mx

Master’s in Psychology from FES Iztacala, UNAM, teaching undergraduate courses since the year 2000 to the present. Has served as a tutor for PAEA groups in Institutional Tutoring, both individually and in groups. Has participated in 14 research projects funded by DGAPA UNAM, being co-responsible for three of them. Has contributed as a co-author to 38 articles published in international scientific journals and collaborated in the publication of 14 book chapters. Co-author of the published book “Ways of Reading that Promote Learning and Its Transfer” and primary author of an internationally published article. Has presented at more than 53 academic events at the national and international levels. Has been involved in organizing various academic courses within the PROSAP program and has been part of the organizing committee for four outreach events aimed at professors, researchers, and students, including an academic conference, two lecture series, and a discussion panel series, the last two featuring invited researchers.
I am a Senior Academic Technician at TC, affiliated with the Human Learning Research Project in the Educational Contexts: Development, Learning, and Evaluation line. I hold a master’s degree in Educational Psychology, with my focus being on research. My work primarily involves analyzing teacher-student-content interactions that occur in primary education classroom groups. Over more than 20 years of research, we have found that the interactions in the classroom are often at a basic level, where the teacher promotes activities involving copying and repetition. We design in-person courses for teachers to encourage complex activities with their students, where the student can achieve learning and its transfer, meaning they can apply their knowledge outside the classroom in real-world situations. Due to the recent health contingency, the ongoing research has transformed into an online program with characteristics very similar to the in-person courses. The results obtained show that teachers who have participated in the course have increased both the duration and frequency of promoting complex interactions.