Research Group in Psychology and Sexual Health

Location within campus:Cubicles 21 and 25, Second Floor of the UIICSE
Phone:5623-1333 Ext. 39753 y 39758
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Silvia Susana Robles Montijo
Full Professor C
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Dr. Diana Moreno Rodríguez

Dr. Nélida Padilla Gámez

Dr. Susana Xóchitl Bárcena Gaona

Mr. Leonardo Román Olmedo García
Technicians affiliated to the laboratory:Dra. Yuma Yoaly Pérez Bautista
Research lines per researcher:Its, Pregnancy, Abortion, and Sexual Abuse – Responsible: Dr. Silvia Susana Robles Montijo

Sexual Health and Disability – Responsible: Dr. Susana Xóchitl Bárcena Gaona

Family, Couple, and Sexuality – Responsible: Dr. Nélida Padilla Gámez

E-Health in Sexual Health Promotion – Responsible: Dr. Silvia Susana Robles Montijo

Generation of applied scientific research to develop behavioral technology for the prevention of sexual health problems in different vulnerable populations. This research group is recognized for creating intervention programs based on diagnostic studies, employing valid and reliable psychological assessment tools to identify risk factors for the sexual health of adolescents and university students from a behavioral psychological perspective. The group promotes the training of high-level researchers by involving undergraduate students as collaborators in the studies we conduct, encouraging their enrollment in postgraduate programs.

Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of sexual health among Mexican adolescents, youth, and vulnerable populations by identifying risk factors for health and developing evidence-based interventions.

Robles-Montijo, S., Rodríguez-Cervantes, M., Frías-Arroyo, B. y Moreno-Rodríguez, D. (2014). Indicadores del uso eficaz del preservativo. Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología, 25(2), 244-258.

Guevara, Y., Robles, S., Rodríguez, M. y Frías, B. (2016). Comunicación con padres, comportamiento sexual, e indicadores de abuso sexual en jóvenes mexicanos con discapacidad visual. Psychologia: Avances de la Disciplina, 10(1), 79-90.

Robles, S. y Guevara, Y. (2017). Comportamientos de riesgo y abuso sexual en varones y mujeres con discapacidad visual o auditiva. Revista Española de Discapacidad, 5(1), 133-151.

Gaona, S., & Jenkins, B. (2018). Comunicación sexual: diferencias entre padres de hijos con y sin discapacidad. Psicología y Salud, 28(1), 5-13.

Padilla-Gámez, N., & del Castillo, C. (2018). Validación de una escala de empoderamiento y agencia personal en mujeres mexicanas. Revista Digital Internacional de Psicología y Ciencia Social, 4(1), 28-45.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Undergraduate and graduate students interested in research related to health and sexuality.