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Phone:55 63 16 89 42
Head of Laboratory:Leticia Cuevas Guajardo
Doctorate in Education
Full Professor “C”
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:JOSÉ LUIS MARTÍNEZ CORREA

Research lines per researcher:Educational Research and Evaluation/Educational Practice

This is an educational research project in which the research competencies developed by students taking the Qualitative Research Methods course will be measured. Learning qualitative research in a single semester is a challenge for students enrolled in this course. Qualitative methodology is an emerging paradigm, whereas the traditional paradigm is quantitative research. If these students have already taken Quantitative Research Methods, they may find it easier to learn qualitative methodology. However, if they have not yet taken Quantitative Research Methods, it can be more challenging for them to grasp qualitative methodology.

Cuevas-Guajardo, L., Rocha-Romero, V. E., Valadez-Díaz, D., Martínez-Correa, J. L., & Ortiz-Labastida, G. G. (2015). Implementación de los paradigmas de investigación en Enfermería. Competencias de las y los estudiantes. Revista Electrónica de PortalesMedicos.com , X(17). https://www.revista-portalesmedicos.com/revista-medica/investigacion-en-enfermeria-estudiantes/

Cuevas-Guajardo, L., Rocha-Romero, V. E., Martínez-Correa, J. L., Ortiz-Labastida, G. G., Valadez-Díaz, D., & Alonso-Trujillo, J. (2017). Competencias éticas en investigación desde el discurso de las y los estudiantes de Enfermería. Revista Electrónica de PortalesMedicos.com , XII(2). https://www.revista-portalesmedicos.com/revista-medica/competencias-eticas-investigacion-estudiantes-enfermeria/

Cuevas-Guajardo, L., Casco-Munive, R., Bravo-Sánchez, L., Arenas-Montaño, G., & Valadez-Nava, S. (2018). Guía práctica para plantear un problema de investigación en Enfermería. Revista Electrónica de PortalesMedicos.com , XIII(2). https://www.revista-portalesmedicos.com/revista-medica/guia-practica-plantear-problema-investigacion-enfermeria/

Cuevas-Guajardo, L., Alonso-Ricardez, A., Alonso-Trujillo, J., Godínez-Rodríguez, M. de los Á., Martínez-Correa, J. L., & Regalado-Ruiz, L. A. (2018). Factores psicosociales y neurofisiológicos que dificultan el aprendizaje de estudiantes de enfermería. Revista Electrónica de PortalesMedicos.com , XIII(22). https://www.revista-portalesmedicos.com/revista-medica/factores-psicosociales-y-neurofisiologicos-que-dificultan-el-aprendizaje-de-estudiantes-de-enfermeria/

Cuevas-Guajardo, L., Alonso-Ricardez, A. & Martínez-Correa, J. L. (2019-2020). Competencias logradas por los egresados en relación al perfil profesional del currículum formal de Enfermería FESI UNAM. Debates en evaluación y currículum , 5(5), 1142-1147. https://posgradoeducacionuatx.org/debatesevaluacioncurriculum_congreso.html

Entry profile of potential thesis students:The thesis candidates should have obtained English language proficiency certification, completed their social service with the corresponding release letter, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to work consistently until they achieve their goal of graduating.