Location within campus:2nd floor of the Government Building at FES Iztacala-UNAM
Phone:55 56231170
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Oliva López Sánchez
Full Professor “C”
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Dr. Alba Luz Robles Mendoza

Dr. Mariana Palumbo

Dr. Guillermina Arenas Montaño

B.S Danae Soriano Valtierra

B.S Juana Olvera Méndez
Research lines per researcher:Dr. Oliva López Sánchez: Medical representations of the body, medical anthropology, and sociocultural studies of emotions with a gender perspective.

Dr. Alba Luz Robles Mendoza: Gender-based violence, school violence, legal and forensic psychology.

Dr. Mariana Palumbo: Sexual diversity, gender-based violence, sociology of emotions.

Dr. Guillermina Arenas Montaño: Health preservation, education, and gender.

B.S Danae Soriano Valtierra: Sexual diversity, violence, forensic psychology.

B.S Juana Olvera Méndez: Mental health, forensic psychology.

The PIICEG’s mission is to establish itself as a research space focused on topics related to the body, emotions, and gender from a socio-cultural perspective. It aims to create opportunities for academic exchange among researchers, professors, and students interested in these themes. The PIICEG promotes collaboration with academics interested in these topics and facilitates the organization of various academic events aimed at strengthening collaboration among scholars specializing in the fields of body, emotions, and gender.

López-Sánchez O. (2020). “El alma mexicana o de cómo las disciplinas psi construyeron la identidad psíquica del mexicano en los siglos XIX y XX”, en María Epele (comp.) Políticas terapéuticas y economías de sufrimiento: perspectivas y debates contemporáneos sobre las tecnologías psi. Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones “Gino Germani” de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires y el Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.

López-Sánchez O. (2019). Extravíos del alma mexicana. Patologización de las emociones en los diagnósticos psiquiátricos (1900-1940). Tlalnepantla, México: Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala-UNAM.

López-Sánchez, O., Enríquez- Rosas, R. (Coords.) (2016). Cartografías emocionales: las tramas de la teoría y la praxis. Tlalnepantla, México: ITESO, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala-UNAM.

López-Sanchez, O., López-García, G. (2016) “Redes de periodistas para vencer el miedo: comunidades emocionales ante la violencia de Estado. El caso de México”, Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. No. 62, octubre-diciembre 2017, pág. 54-66
ISSN: 0123-885X, e-ISSN: 1900-5180
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.7440/res62.2017.06

Robles-Mendoza, A. (2018) Las masculinidades en la Ciudad de México y su influencia en la construcción del concepto de familia y cultura jurídica. En: S. P. Rodríguez, et al (Coord.) Masculinidades, familia y cultura jurídica en la Ciudad de México y Bogotá. Generalidades y cultura de caso. Colombia: Universidad Los Libertadores.

Robles-Mendoza, A., Arenas-Montaño, G. (2019). Diagnóstico de salud en estudiantes de primer ingreso de la UNAM. FES Iztacala. Un enfoque de género. Vertientes Revista especializada en Ciencias de la Salud, 21, 1-2, 5-11.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Students majoring in psychology, nursing, and social sciences who are in their eighth semester or graduates with a GPA of over 8. Proactive, responsible, punctual, with strong communication and teamwork skills, proficiency in information and communication technologies (ICTs) for communication processes, and curiosity to investigate within a social context to gather information relevant to the project’s themes: body, gender, and emotions.
Service Social Data:Social service in PIICEG and the National Network of Researchers in Socio-Cultural Studies of Emotions, to strengthen the management of web pages with scientific information about emotions. Program Key: 2020-12/63-4209. Activities: Accessibility of scientific and academic information to members and visitors of the RENISCE blog and website, updating and maintaining the blog and website, logistical support in the organization of events, communication, and registration of new members.