Location within campus:Tutoring Building 2nd floor cubicle # 31
Head of Laboratory:Dra. Tania Garrido Garduño
Full Professor C

Research lines per researcher:Genetics/Genomics of Landscape and Urbanization

Adaptation to Climate Change

Genetics and Ecology of Migration

Genetics and Ecology of Diseases

The lines of interest in our research group are Evolution and Ecology, in which we use tools from both fields to understand the patterns and processes exhibited by species.

In our research group, we are interested in:

Understanding how the environment, landscape characteristics, and human activities affect and will affect (under climate change) species dispersal, as reflected in the structure and genetic flow among populations.

Identifying adaptations of species populations in the present to understand how they will respond to climate change.

Identifying genes associated with the fascinating behavior of migration and how these have evolved over time among species populations, along with the role the environment has played in migration.

Understanding how pathogens travel through birds and the interactions they have with other vertebrate and invertebrate species and the environment once they establish in new locations.The tools used to address our research objectives include field and laboratory work, the use of different molecular markers (microsatellites, SNPs, and eDNA) with which we generate our data and evaluate through population genetics and landscape analysis, among others. We also employ Geographic Information Systems, Ecological Niche Modeling, and various programming languages.

Vázquez-Domínguez E., Garrido-Garduño T., Calixto-Pérez E. (2020) Climate Change Impact at the Genetic Level: Patterns in the Couesi’s Rice Rat (Oryzomys couesi). In: Ortega J., Maldonado J. (eds) Conservation Genetics in Mammals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33334-8_14

Garrido-Garduño, T., O. Téllez-Valdés, S. Manel y E. Vázquez-Domínguez. 2016. Role of habitat heterogeneity and landscape connectivity in shaping gene flow and spatial population structure of a dominant rodent species in a tropical dry forest. Journal of Zoology, 298: 293-302. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12307

Garrido-Garduño, T y E. Vázquez Domínguez. 2013. Métodos de análisis genéticos, espaciales y de conectividad en genética del paisaje. Revista Mexicana de la Biodiversidad. 84: 1031-1054. DOI: 10.7550/rmb.32500

Entry profile of potential thesis students:If you are interested in our research lines, you can consider working with us. We are looking for enthusiastic, responsible, independent, hardworking individuals who are eager to learn and contribute knowledge. We are always open to discussing potential new research projects or exploring new ideas together. Our group welcomes undergraduate, master’s, doctoral students, and those interested in postdoctoral research opportunities.