Coastal oceanography

Location within campus:Building L-2, L-211
Head of Laboratory:Asela del Carmen Rodríguez Varela
Biol. Full Professor “C”
Research lines per researcher:Marine biology, Marine ecology.

Biología marina de sistemas lagunares estuarinos del estado de Veracruz: El proyecto de investigación que tiene como meta comprender los cambios en la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas costeros Marine biology of estuarine lagoon systems of the state of Veracruz: The research project that aims to understand the changes in the biodiversity of the coastal ecosystems of Veracruz. The objective is to increase the knowledge of the coastal zone by linking the environmental and hydrological components with the biological ones (zooplankton, zoobenthos and fish).

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1995), the coastal zone extends towards the interior of continental lands up to the limit of the hydrographic basin, while towards the sea, it extends to the limit of the economic zone unique to one country. This project has only conducted research within the terrestrial or continental coastal zone and in the main lagoons and estuaries. Samples are carried out monthly, bimonthly and / or by climatic season (north, dry and rainy), where they are recorded in a variable number of collection stations according to the type and extension of the coastal system, environmental and hydrological aspects and samples are obtained to carry out sedimentary, zooplankton, zoobenthus and fish studies with conventional techniques and methods. The biotic species and / or groups are determined and their ecological variables are obtained. Food analyzes are also carried out on all collected fish. The information obtained is analyzed in the laboratory using various ecological strategies and testing the best quantitative analysis methods for the study of populations, communities and energy transfer.

Vázquez-López, H., Escamilla-Montes, R., Diarte-Plata, G., Cházaro-Olvera, S., Rodríguez-Varela, A. del C., Franco-López, J., Chávez-López, R. & Morán-Silva, Á. (2020). Effects of the parasite Loxothylacus texanus on the agonistic behavior of the crab Callinectes rathbunae. International Journal of Zoological Investigations, 6 (1): 122-134.

Rodríguez-Varela, A. del C.A. & Vázquez-López, H. (2019). Diversidad de invertebrados bentónicos del sistema lagunar de Mandinga, Veracruz, México. Novitates Caribaea, 0(14), 128-146. doi: 10.33800/nc.v0i14.205

Rodríguez-Varela A. del C., Fonseca-Romero, M. A., Vázquez-López, H. & Cruz-Gómez, A. (2018). Determinación de la calidad del agua mediante indicadores biológicos en la presa Xhimojay, municipio de Jilotepec, Estado de México, México. The Biologist (Lima), 16 (1): 159-170. DOI:

Vázquez-López, H., Vega-Villasante, F., Rodríguez-Varela, A. del C. & Cruz-Gómez, A. (2014). Population density of the crab Cardisoma crassum Smith, 1870 (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) in the estuary El salado, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, México. International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research, 2(8): 1-9.

Rodríguez-Varela, A. del C., Cruz-Gómez, A. & Vázquez-López, H. (2010). List of the ichthyofauna in the Sontecomapan lagoon, Veracruz, México. BIOCYT. Biología, Ciencia y Tecnología, 3(9): 107-121. DOI:

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Interest in marine biology, oceanography and marine ecology. Ability to perform data analysis and search for information. Regular 7th and 8th semester student without subject debts. Morning hours available.
Service Social Data:Development of strategies and skills in the study of Mexican fish for professional teaching. Key: 2020-12 / 63-58.

Social service specifically to carry out didactic material, information banks, databases and scientific dissemination of the line of research, the discipline of ecology and the career of biology. According to the project to be developed, analysis of ecological data to write reports and obtain the ability to carry out scientific writing.