Location within campus: | Cubicle 13, First Floor (on the right), UIICSE, UNAM – FES Iztacala. |
Head of Laboratory: | Dr. Germán Alejandro Miranda Díaz Associate Career Professor C. gamd@unam.mx |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Dr. Felipe Tirado Segura ftirado@unam.mx Dr. José Manuel Meza Cano jose.meza@iztacala.unam.mx Ms. Zaira Delgado Celis zaira.delgado@iztacala.unam.mx B.S. Jesús Peralta Hernández jesus.peralta@iztacala.unam.mx B.S. Enrique Luna López enrique.luna@iztacala.unam.mx Mr. Gunnar Eyal Wolf Iszaevich (external – IIEC-UNAM) Mr. Víctor Manuel Martínez Martínez (external – UPN) |
Research lines per researcher: | Digital Mediation Learning Metaschooling Educational Assessment in Face-to-Face and Online Environments Disciplinary Social Networks Argumentation in Inquiry Communities |

The Psychopedagogical Experimentation Center of the Psychopedagogical Research Group brings together teachers interested in contemporary issues related to digitally mediated learning, such as:
- Online collaboration.
- Digitally mediated educational processes in formal (distance, blended, and online education), non-formal, and informal settings.
- Processes of cultural creation in online communities of practice.
- Ethics in digital environments.
- Sociodigital networks for formal and non-formal learning.
- Designing methodologies for online classroom learning.
Among other phenomena associated with learning in digital environments. Some of the ongoing projects currently being developed include: validating a methodological model for designing open instruction sequences with a social emphasis, developing protocols for collaboration in the classroom, or using open and federated social networks as support for disciplinary learning.

Miranda D. G. A, Delgado C. Z. Y & Meza C. J. M. (2020). Diseño de secuencias instruccionales SOOC. Guía del docente. México:Educación y Cultura Libre.
Santos, G, & Tirado, F. (2019). Transformando la educación: análisis de diseños para la construcción de conocimiento por colaboración. Revista de la educación superior, 48(189), 21-53. Epub 24 de diciembre de 2019. Recuperado en 22 de mayo de 2020, de http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0185-27602019000100021&lng=es&tlng=.
Miranda, G.A. & Delgado, Z.Y. (2018). Visualization of indicators of teaching activity in online education as support for formative evaluation. Hamut ́ay, 5 (2), 74-88. Recuperado de http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/hamu.v5i2.1625.
Meza-Cano, J. M., & Miranda Díaz, G. A. (2017). La incertidumbre en el aprendizaje, la relación actividad – aprendiz. Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa (RECIE), 2(1), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.32541/salome.2017.v2i1.pp91-103
Miranda D. G. A. (2016). Intimidad y privacidad mediada por entornos digitales. En Soria G. (ed) Ética Hacker, Seguridad y Vigilancia. Ciudad de México, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.

Entry profile of potential thesis students: | Being a student of any major (commonly psychology, pedagogy, or engineering) interested in technological implementation for education or those interested in psychological or cultural phenomena in mediated environments. |