Location within campus:Cubicle 13, First Floor (on the right), UIICSE, UNAM – FES Iztacala.
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Germán Alejandro Miranda Díaz
Associate Career Professor C.
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Dr. Felipe Tirado Segura

Dr. José Manuel Meza Cano

Ms. Zaira Delgado Celis

B.S. Jesús Peralta Hernández

B.S. Enrique Luna López

Mr. Gunnar Eyal Wolf Iszaevich (external – IIEC-UNAM)

Mr. Víctor Manuel Martínez Martínez (external – UPN)
Research lines per researcher:Digital Mediation Learning
Educational Assessment in Face-to-Face and Online Environments
Disciplinary Social Networks
Argumentation in Inquiry Communities

The Psychopedagogical Experimentation Center of the Psychopedagogical Research Group brings together teachers interested in contemporary issues related to digitally mediated learning, such as:

  • Online collaboration.
  • Digitally mediated educational processes in formal (distance, blended, and online education), non-formal, and informal settings.
  • Processes of cultural creation in online communities of practice.
  • Ethics in digital environments.
  • Sociodigital networks for formal and non-formal learning.
  • Designing methodologies for online classroom learning.

Among other phenomena associated with learning in digital environments. Some of the ongoing projects currently being developed include: validating a methodological model for designing open instruction sequences with a social emphasis, developing protocols for collaboration in the classroom, or using open and federated social networks as support for disciplinary learning.

Miranda D. G. A, Delgado C. Z. Y & Meza C. J. M. (2020). Diseño de secuencias instruccionales SOOC. Guía del docente. México:Educación y Cultura Libre.

Santos, G, & Tirado, F. (2019). Transformando la educación: análisis de diseños para la construcción de conocimiento por colaboración. Revista de la educación superior, 48(189), 21-53. Epub 24 de diciembre de 2019. Recuperado en 22 de mayo de 2020, de http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0185-27602019000100021&lng=es&tlng=.

Miranda, G.A. & Delgado, Z.Y. (2018). Visualization of indicators of teaching activity in online education as support for formative evaluation. Hamut ́ay, 5 (2), 74-88. Recuperado de http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/hamu.v5i2.1625.

Meza-Cano, J. M., & Miranda Díaz, G. A. (2017). La incertidumbre en el aprendizaje, la relación actividad – aprendiz. Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa (RECIE), 2(1), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.32541/salome.2017.v2i1.pp91-103

Miranda D. G. A. (2016). Intimidad y privacidad mediada por entornos digitales. En Soria G. (ed) Ética Hacker, Seguridad y Vigilancia. Ciudad de México, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Being a student of any major (commonly psychology, pedagogy, or engineering) interested in technological implementation for education or those interested in psychological or cultural phenomena in mediated environments.