Botany Laboratory

Location within campus:Morphology and Function Unit (MFU)
Head of Laboratory:DR. en C. JOSÉ DANIEL TEJERO DÍEZ
Full Professor C.
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:DR. EN C. SILVIA AGUILAR RODRÍGUEZ
Full Professor C.
Technicians affiliated to the laboratory:M. en C. DALIA GREGO VALENCIA
Research lines per researcher:SILVIA AGUILAR RODRÍGUEZ, Plant Anatomy, focused on the study of:
1- Woody Species.
2- Medicinal Plants.
3- Plant Taxonomy.
JOSE DANIEL TEJERO DÍEZ: Structural Botany, Floristic Taxonomy (especially of lycopods and ferns), Ecology of Plant Communities (with an emphasis on environmental systems in the State of Mexico).

Projects in structural and ecological botany are developed, based on the morpho-anatomical description of plant organ systems, taxonomy, and ecology. All of them aim to contribute to the knowledge of the flora in different ecological systems (mainly in the State of Mexico), as well as their biological value and conservation status, in order to provide a basis for proper management or sustainability. The studies conducted in the Botany laboratory seek to answer questions or solve problems related to structural convergences in flora with economic potential, in the search for possible adaptive functional groups from an anatomical perspective, intra-specific variations, traditional use of plants (for quality control purposes), and tissue development in seedlings, among others.

1- Grego-Valencia, D., Teresa Terrazas, J. Daniel Tejero-Díez, Reyna Lara-Martínez, Luis Felipe Jiménez-García, Silvia Aguilar-Rodríguez. 2018. Variación anatómica del tallo y ultraestructura de la membrana de la punteadura en los elementos traqueales de Selaginella pallescens (Selaginellaceae). Botanical Sciences (ISSN 2007-4476) 96(4): 662-667.

2- Hernández-Álvarez, A.G., A. Sánchez-González J.D. Tejero-Díez. 2019. Licofitas y helechos del bosque mesófilo de montaña del estado de Hidalgo, México. Botanical Science (línea: abril, 2019) 97(2): 236-249.

3- Aguilar-Rodríguez, S., Terrazas, T., Camacho-Coronel, X. (2019). A multiple epidermis or a periderm in Parkinsonia praecox (Fabaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany 43(4), 529-537. doi:10.3906/bot-1810-45

4- Zumaya Mendoza, S., Aguilar Rodríguez, S., Yáñez Espinosa, L. & Terrazas, T. (2019). Stem anatomy diversity in Iresine (Amaranthaceae s.l.): an ecological interpretation. Brazilian Journal of Botany 42, 329–344.

5- Jiménez-Noriega, M.S., López-Mata, L., Aguilar-Rodríguez, S., & Terrazas T. 2019. Actividad cambial y cribo-xilogenesis de tres especies en un gradiente altitudinal en la Sierra Nevada, México. Botanical Sciences 97 (4), 725-740. DOI:

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Minimum average of 8, with adequate cognitive abilities for reasoning, broad cultural profile, and foundations in ecological, histological, and taxonomic techniques of plants. Proficiency in reading and understanding the English language. Strong writing skills.
Service Social Data:1- Forest Tree Flora and Useful Flora in Conservation-Important Forests. 2018-12/63-334
2- Anatomical Study of Woody and Herbaceous Species Growing in Various Vegetal Communities of Mexico.
KEY: 2020-12/63-71.

Axis Environment and Sustainable Development Action