Location within campus: | Interdisciplinary Research Unit for Health and Education Sciences (UIICSE). Cubicle 28. FES Iztacala-UNAM |
Phone: | 56231333 Ext. 39769 |
Head of Laboratory: | Dr. Patricia del Carmen Covarrubias Papahiu Full Professor C. papahiu@unam.mx |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Mtra. Ofelia Desatnik Miechimsky odesat@gmail.com Dr. Miguel Monroy Farías: monroyfarias.miguel@gmail.com Dr. Ofelia Contreras Gutiérrez ofeliaco@gmail.com |
Research lines per researcher: | Dr. Patricia del Carmen Covarrubias Papahiu: “Social representations of teachers and students regarding different curriculum dimensions.”. Mtra. Ofelia Desatnik Miechimsky : “Representation of clinical processes and therapist training”. Dr. Miguel Monroy Farías: “Representations, implicit theories, and beliefs of teachers and students.”. Dra.Ofelia Contreras Gutiérrez: “Academic regimes and school performance”. |

The project, within its different lines of research, explores teaching and learning processes and practices in various educational settings. Its purpose is to propose and implement alternatives for the improvement of education, primarily in secondary and higher education.
The objectives are to investigate the meanings that students and teachers attribute to teaching and learning processes, as well as the construction of relationships between teachers and students, and the cognitive and socio-emotional developments that occur in the educational process.
The project employs theoretical foundations and methodological tools from both qualitative and quantitative research, such as in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, individual and group interviews, focus groups, in situ process observation, scales, questionnaires, and assessment instruments, among others.The relevance of the project lies in its contribution to enhancing educational practices by considering the cognitive and socio-emotional processes involved.

Aguado, I., Contreras, O., & Viquez, J. (2019). Regímenes Académicos y Trayectoria Escolar de Adolescentes en el Bachillerato. Revista Educ@rnos, (35), 81-104. ISSN 2007-1930.
Contreras, O., Aguado, I., & Viquez, J. (enero.junio de 2020). Relaciones entre acoso laboral y Síndrome de Bournout en profesores de bachillerato. Revista Intercontinental de Psicología y Educación, 22(1 y 2). ISSN: 1665-756X.
Covarrubias, P. (2017). Situación Actual de los Programas de Evaluación Académica de la Educación Superior Mexicana: Sus efectos en el Trabajo Académico. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 10(2), pp. 187-209. UAM, España. ISSN 1989-0397. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2017.10.2.010.
Desatnik, O. (2015). La Relación terapéutica, el proceso de la terapia y la formación de los terapeutas sistémicos. UNAM-FESI México., ISBN 978-607-02-6064-3
Monroy, M. (2020). Creencias de estudiantes universitarios sobre el trabajo profesional docente, en Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala. ISSN 1870-8420. Vol. 23, No. 1, Marzo. pp 128-146.

Entry profile of potential thesis students: | Students in undergraduate programs with at least 80% of credits completed and a minimum GPA of 8. Graduate students with a minimum GPA of 8. |