Location within campus: | FES Iztacala, UNAM, Building A-5, First Floor, Room 1, Cubicle 4. |
Phone: | Cellphone. 555496-8983 Phone. 5319-3339 |
Head of Laboratory: | Roberto Arzate Robledo Master’s and Doctoral Studies. Associate Professor “C” arzater@unam.mx |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Rubén González Vera rubengv@unam.mx Herminia Mendoza Mendoza herminiamm25@hotmail.com Norma Leticia Cabrera Fermoso nlfermoso@hotmail.com |
Research lines per researcher: | Theoretical Teaching of Psychological Traditions in Various Contexts, in the Subjects of Theoretical Traditions and Methodological Strategies, in the New Curriculum of the Psychology Program. The behavioral and humanistic tradition (Rubén González and Mendoza Herminia), the cognitive tradition (Norma Leticia Cabrera), and the sociocultural tradition (Roberto Arzate). All researchers will contribute to different traditions by creating books for the teaching of each of them. |

The objective of this project is to serve as a fundamental foundation for study and complementary support in the subjects of theoretical traditions, methodological strategies, and tutorials within the new curriculum of the psychology program, approved in 2016. It aims to develop four books to be reviewed in the aforementioned subjects during the first four semesters of the program. The titles of the four books are as follows: 1. Theoretical Teaching of the Piagetian Cognitive Tradition in Various Contexts (2019-2020); 2. Theoretical Teaching of the Behavioral Tradition in Various Contexts (2020-2021); 3. Theoretical Teaching of the Sociocultural Tradition in Various Contexts (2021-2022); and 4. Theoretical Teaching of the Humanistic Tradition in Various Contexts (2022-2023). Additionally, theoretical teaching of psychoanalysis and complexity will also be included. The purpose is to provide students with the necessary and sufficient knowledge resources to understand and operate in practice with various programs constructed by these traditions, enhancing scientific rigor in the applied work of psychologists in the practical areas in which they will be subsequently trained. For the creation of the four books, the following work strategy will be employed: a) search for bibliographic and periodical information related to the theoretical-conceptual, empirical, and practical formation of the different psychological traditions and their application in various contexts; b) analysis of the information gathered for each tradition at its different levels of formation: theoretical, methodological, and applied; c) integration of the information gathered for each tradition at its different levels of formation: theoretical, methodological, and applied; d) writing of the information in terms of clarity and content, supported by outlines, diagrams, problem exposition, and questionnaires, among other tools.

González, V. R., Mendoza, M., H., Arzate, R. R., & Cabrera, F. N. L. (2014). La investigación y la metodología en la Psicología experimental: tres escuelas. México: FESI. UNAM.
Mendoza, M. H., González, V. R., Cabrera, F. N. L.,& Arzate, R. R. (2016). Habilidades y competencias instrumentales en psicología experimental. España: Editorial Académica Española.
González, V. R., Cabrera, F. N. L., Arzate, R. R., & Mendoza, M. H. (2017). Habilidades cognitivas en psicología geenética. España: Editorial Académica Española.
Arzate, R. R., González, V. R., Mendoza, M. H., & Cabrera, F. N. L. (2018). Habilidades propositivas, constructivas y creativas en psicología experimental general desde la escuela histórico cultural. España: Editorial Académica Española.
Arzate, R. R., González, V. R., Cabrera, F. N. L. ,& Mendoza, M. H., (2018). Fundamentos marxistas de la escuela histórico cultural. España: Editorial Académica Española.
Cabrera, F. N. L., González, V. R., Mendoza, M. H., & Arzate, R. R.(2019). Teoría y aplicaciones de la psicología genética de Piaget. España: Editorial Académica Española.

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