Location within campus:Building A2 (A-215), in front of the Scientific Documentation Unit, first floor.
Head of Laboratory:Dr. Cecilia Carlota Barrera Ortega
Associate Professor
Main lines of the incorporated academics:1.- Design of functionalized scaffolds with metal oxide nanoparticles.

2.- Physical, chemical and biological characterization of polymers with different doping

3.- Effect of different fluorinated/remineralizing compounds on tooth enamel

4.- Physical, chemical and biological characterization of demineralized tooth enamel.

5.- Physical (mechanical) characterization of glass ionomers.

6.- Development and Reports of clinical cases in Pediatric Stomatology


Contribute to the theoretical and experimental study of nano and materials to generate materials for dental application (biomaterials).

Train human resources of excellence in the area of Dentistry in general, Specialization in Pediatric Stomatology and in the Master’s and Doctorate Program in Medical, Dental, and Health Sciences.
Disseminate the studies, results and products obtained in undergraduate, specialization, master’s and doctoral theses in national and international conferences and articles.

It works in collaboration with the following institutions:

a) National Rehabilitation Institute (INR) Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra “Tissue Engineering, Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Unit” Dr. Phaedra S. Bermudez Silva.

b) Materials Research Institute (IIM), CU. “Low Dimensional Materials Department” Dra. Sandra E. Rodil Posada.

c) Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (ICAT), CU, with the academic group on “Hybrid Systems and Nanospectroscopy”, Dr. América R. Vázquez Olmos.

d) Division of Postgraduate Studies and Research (DEPeI) of the School of Dentistry (FO), CU, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Dr. Argelia Almaguer Flores and in the
Dental Materials Laboratory. Prof. J. Paulina Ramírez Ortega

Barrera-Ortega Cecilia C, Vázquez-Olmos América R, Sato-Berrú Roberto Y, Araiza-Téllez Miguel A. Study of demineralized dental enamel treated with different fluorinated compounds by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering. 2020;10(5): 635-644. doi: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2003-1089, PMCID: PMC7557462, PMID: 33134223. ISSN2251-7200.

Daniela Morquecho-Marín, Phaedra Silva-Bermudez, Benjamín Millán, José Victoria-Hernández, Dietmar Letzig, David Ramírez-Ortega, Osmary Depablos-Rivera, Julieta García-López, Cecilia C. Barrera-Ortega, Sandra E. Rodil. Unexpected cytotoxicity of TiO2-coated magnesium alloys. Material Letters, Vol 276, 1 October 2020, doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128236.

Barrera-Ortega C.C., Araiza-Tellez M.A. García-Pérez A., Assessment of Enamel Surface Microhardness with different Fluorinated Compounds under pH Cycling Conditions: An in Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.

C.C. Barrera-Ortega, L. Hoz Rodríguez, H. Arzate, A. Fonseca-García, J. Pérez-Álvarez. S.E. Rodil. Comparison of the osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and cementogenic differentiation potential of periodontal ligament cells culture on different biomaterials. Materials Science and Engineering: C. vol 76. Julio 2017. 1075-1084.

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Students of a career in Health Sciences or Engineering.

The student must be self-taught, independent and have a special taste for the laboratory, handling samples in in vitro conditions, committed and punctual.
Social Service Data:Research activities in the area of nano and dental materials.

Realization of thesis project and collaboration of ongoing projects.

Participation in laboratory seminars.

Management of the different laboratory equipment.