Location within campus: | UIICSE Cubicle 7 |
Phone: | 5556231333 #39775 |
Head of Laboratory: | Mr. Isaías Vicente Lugo González |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Lugo González Isaías Vicente isaiasvicelugo@gmail.com Reynoso Erazo Leonardo leoreynoso@gmail.com |
Research lines per researcher: | Lifestyles and Health |

Development of a general lifestyle profile and risk factors in university students, conducting an assessment of heredofamilial risk factors, behavioral factors, anthropometric characteristics, and biological and physiological indicators with the purpose of estimating the risk of these factors for the development and/or maintenance of chronic diseases such as overweight or obesity and those of cardiovascular and metabolic nature. This is done in order to develop behavioral interventions focused on lifestyle change to support the prevention and/or delay in the onset of these diseases.

Reynoso, L., Becerra, A.L., & Lugo, I.V. (2019). Trastorno de estrés postraumático en adultos. Intervención cognitivo-conductual para víctimas de sismos. Hermosillo: Qartuppi. http://doi.org/10.29410/QTP.19.02
Reynoso, L., Becerra, A.L., Bravo, C. Y Ordaz, M (2019). El autocuidado de la salud en ámbitos específicos. En: E. Camacho y C. Vega-Michel (coords). Autocuidado de la Salud II. México: ITESO El Manual Moderno ISBN: 978-607-86 16-11-4
Reynoso, L y Bojórquez, C. (2014). Hipertensión Arterial: manual de intervenciones en actividad física, alimentación y solución de problemas para niños. México: ITSON-UNAM. ISBN: 978-607-609-046-6

Entry profile of potential thesis students: | Undergraduate Psychology students with an interest in collaborating in the healthcare field and with training in behavioral or cognitive-behavioral approaches. |