Location within campus: | Specialization Clinic in Endoperiodontics |
Phone: | 55 56231397 |
Head of Laboratory: | Javier Antonio Garzón Trinidad Master’s in Scientific and Technological Teaching Associate Professor B jagarzon@unam.mx |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Esp. Elizabeth Flores Arnaud lizarnaud@hotmail.com Esp. Karen Angelina Mora Navarrete karenamn_90@hotmail.com |
Research lines per researcher: | Incorporation of technology into endoperiodontal clinical practice, in teaching and learning processes, with a focus on STS + I |
Today, we live in a globalized world where technology is causing social transformations, shaping and conditioning behaviors, customs, and even modifying the general functioning of society. A significant part of these changes is based on systematic research methods, similar to those used by science. Therefore, scientific knowledge becomes capable of stimulating technological innovation. All elements involved in the educational sector should be reached by these changes so that it is considered novel, sustainable, well-founded, replicable, and translated into defined indicators for institutional innovation. Education aims to be more rational, scientific, and technological, involving specific and complex competencies that use specific knowledge. This implies redirecting the teaching-learning process.
This project aims to promote such transformation through participatory research in solving common problems in clinical practice, considering emerging technologies and prioritizing critical thinking for clinical decision-making in the dental field within a framework that is friendly to society and the environment.
Uribe GA., Paniagua CG., Monroy PE., Garzón J., Alanis J., Quezada R., Vaca PF., Vaca S.(2019) Frequency and expression of genes involed in adhesion and biofilm formation in staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from periodontal lesions, Journal of Microbiology, Inmunology and Infection https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmii.2019.05.010
Garzón, TJ (2020) “El objeto virtual de aprendizaje (OVA), como material de apoyo para el aprendizaje clínico de conceptos endoperiodontales, para los alumnos de la carrera de Cirujano Dentista, de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala UNAM” Proyecto PAPIME (PE210520) en curso.
Entry profile of potential thesis students: | Interest in the teaching-learning process in preclinical and clinical practice in the dental field, as well as technological innovation in professional practice. |
Service Social Data: | — |