Location within campus: | Cubicle on the first floor of the Scientific Documentation Unit / Cubicle 5, Academic Tutoring Tower. |
Phone: | 55 2535 1374 / 5529546769 |
Head of Laboratory: | Álvaro García Perez Full Professor “A” alvaro.garcia@unam.mx |
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: | Álvaro Edgar González Aragón Pineda Associate Career Professor “C” alvaroedgar@unam.mx |
Research lines per researcher: | Epidemiology of dental caries, fluorosis, risk factors and other tooth disorders. Social determinants related to dental caries and fluorosis. Quality of life related to oral health in children. Epidemiology of malocclusion and associated factors. Prevalence, incidence, progression and risk factors of erosive dental wear in children and adolescents. Oral health in children and adolescents. |

The department’s objective is to design and develop research projects on public health, oral health and its determinants, as well as the design of health promotion programs. Some of these activities are listed below:
- Identify health problems in the population.
- Investigate health risks in the population.
- Inform and educate the population about the favorable aspects of health.
- Evaluate health services.
- Search for new solutions for health problems.
The specialty areas of the department are: research designs, epidemiology, biostatistics, research methods (epidemiological and clinical), analysis and writing of scientific papers. The professors are part of the National Research Institute and have received funding for research from PAPIIT-DGAPA for the development of research projects, and for the development of materials to support the teaching-learning process of PAPIME- DGAPA.
Students have the opportunity to participate in projects developed in this department, in order to fulfill their social service requirement and / or for their thesis degree. They have the possibility of developing knowledge about design, field work and data analysis, as well as writing scientific texts.

Garcia Perez, A., Barrera Ortega, C. C., Gonzalez-Aragon Pineda, A. E., Villanueva Gutierrez, T., Perez Perez, N. G., & Calderon Uriostegui, D. (2020). An inverse relationship between obesity and dental caries in Mexican schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study. Public Health, 180, 163-167. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2019.10.028
Garcia Perez, A., Perez Perez, N. G., Rojas, A. I. F., Ortega, C. C. B., Gonzalez-Aragon Pineda, A. E., & Gutierrez, T. V. (2020). Marginalization and fluorosis its relationship with dental caries in rural children in Mexico: A cross-sectional study. Community Dent Health. doi:10.1922/CDH_00017Perez07
Villanueva Gutiérrez, T., Barrera Ortega, C. C., García Pérez, A., & González-Aragón Pineda, A. E. (2019). Relationship between Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) severity and cavitated carious lesions in schoolchildren. Acta Odontol Latinoam, 32(3), 133-140.
Gonzalez-Aragon Pineda, A. E., Borges-Yanez, S. A., Irigoyen-Camacho, M. E., & Lussi, A. (2019). Relationship between erosive tooth wear and beverage consumption among a group of schoolchildren in Mexico City. Clin Oral Investig, 23(2), 715-723. doi:10.1007/s00784-018-2489-8

Entry profile of potential thesis students: | It is essential to have an affinity for the development of scientific research tasks, as well as ethical and moral conduct. Other necessary characteristics are listed below: • Observation ability. • Constancy and tenacity. • Decision-making and self-criticism capacity. • Willingness to work in a team. • Skills and habits for multidisciplinary teamwork. • Command of the grammar of the Spanish language. • English is suitable for translation. |
Service Social Data: | Oral public health research. Support in carrying out research projects in the area of oral public health, with activities such as: logistics of field work, dental examinations, application of surveys, data capture, and review of databases, among others. |