Butterfly Garden ‘IZTAPAPALOTL’ at FES Iztacala, UNAM.

Location within campus:Botanical Garden
Head of Laboratory:Ms. Marcela Patricia Ibarra Gonzalez
Adjunct Professor “B”
Researchers affiliated to the laboratory:Mr. Sergio Gerardo Stanford Camargo

Biol. Eduardo Marmolejo Puga
Research lines per researcher:Cultivation, Taxonomy, and Ecology of Lepidoptera; Urban Gardening; Recycling.

The Iztapapalotl Butterfly Garden is located within the Botanical Garden of FES Iztacala, UNAM, an Urban Green Area (UGA) in the metropolitan area of Mexico City. It began as a project in 2001, initially with two main objectives: to showcase the local daytime butterfly fauna and to contribute to their conservation. However, it has since expanded its focus to include some moths, continued recording the existing lepidopteran fauna, increased the number of cultivated species, and monitored temperature, humidity, and parasitoids associated with butterflies.

As Urban Green Areas and their flora and fauna have gained importance, the Butterfly Garden has also started recording soil insect fauna, arthropods associated with plants, pollinating insects, and environmental education, primarily using daytime butterflies as a tool.

Ibarra-González M., S. G. Stanford-Camargo, E. Marmolejo Puga, S. G. Cruz-Miranda y G. R. Medina-Ortiz (2020). Registros de mariposas diurnas y polillas (Lepidoptera) de la FES Iztacala, UNAM. Entomología mexicana, en publicación.

Ibarra-González M. P. y S. G. Stanford-Camargo (2009). Lepidoptera. En: Ceballos G., R. List, G. Garduño, R. López-Cano, M. J. Muñozcano, E. Collado y J. San Román (compiladores). La diversidad biológica del Estado de México, Estudio de Estado. Gobierno del Estado de México, colección mayor. 350 P.

Pescador-Rubio A., S. G. Stanford-Camargo, L. E. Páez-Gerardo, A. J. Ramírez-Reyes, R. A. Ibarra-Jiménez and T. D. Fitzgerald (2011).

Trail Marking by Caterpillars of the Silverspot Butterfly Dione Juno Huascuma. Journal of Insect Science Vol. 11, Issue 55, pg(s) 1-10″

Entry profile of potential thesis students:Students in the Biology Bachelor’s program in their seventh and eighth semesters or related programs, with previous semesters successfully completed. They should have observational skills and be able to work effectively in teams and in outdoor settings. Training will be provided for the breeding and maintenance of butterfly caterpillars. Familiarity with desktop software is preferred.
Service Social Data:Name: Insectarium of FES Iztacala, Insect Cultivation for Environmental Education.

Program Key: 2020-12/63-11

Activities: Assistance in designing and participating in workshops, talks, and environmental education activities using insects. Guided tours for the general public. Propagation and maintenance of insects, especially butterflies and moths.