FARFÁN MEJÍA ENRIQUE Ubicación: Clínica de Endoperiodontología Contacto: Teléfono: 5556231397Correo electrónico: acl@unam.mx Información: UIICSE laboratorio proyecto contextos educativos. Enlaces de interés:
Location within campus: UBIPRO Phone: 55 56231126 Head of Laboratory: Dr. Guillermo J. Horta PugaFull Professor Ahorta@unam.mx Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: Dr. Guillermo J. Horta Pugahorta@unam.mx Technicians affiliated to the laboratory: Ms. Aura Aletse Morales Arandaaura.morales@unam.mx Biol. Jhoan Felipe Gutierréz Martínezjfguma8@gmail.com Research lines per researcher: Environmental Geochemistry (Trace Metals) Paleoceanography Coral Reef Ecology Within … Leer más
Perception and Social Learning
Location within campus: L-603 y UIICSE First floor Phone: 5556231333 Ext. 39716 Head of Laboratory: Dra. Rosalva Cabrera CastañónProfesor de Carrera Titular “C” de Tiempo Completo Definitivo. rosalva@unam.mx Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: Abel Javier Zamora Garcíaajzamorag@gmail.com Martha Elisa López Ariaselilopeza@yahoo.com.mx Bernardo Jiménez Santa Cruzbernardoj2013@gmail.com Juana Marcela Lugo Hernándezen2011arena@gmail.com Karla Julieta Escobar Barradashush_oseayo@hotmail.com Research lines … Leer más
Individual Behavior Analysts in Organizations ACIO
Location within campus: Phone: Head of Laboratory: Researchers affiliated to the laboratory: Technicians affiliated to the laboratory: Research lines per researcher: A a Prospective Thesis Candidate Profile: Service Social Data:
Clinical Analysis at the University Clinic
Location within campus: Clinica Universitaria de la Salud Integral (CUSI), FES Iztacala Phone: 56231391 Head of Laboratory: Dra. Gloria Luz Paniagua ContrerasFull professormya@unam.mx Technicians affiliated to the laboratory: Dr. Eric Monroy Pérezmopi@unam.mx Research lines per researcher: 1) Expression of Virulence Genes (Adhesins, Iron Acquisition Systems, Toxins, Protectins, and Miscellaneous Factors) in Strains of Escherichia coli, … Leer más